The Oakdale Athletic Association (OAA) is an independent, nonprofit, youth organization administered and managed by volunteer adults since 1971. All residents of Oakdale are eligible to be members of OAA.
A board of directors selected by the general membership runs the association. The board is a policy-making body responsible for the smooth administration of its youth sports programs: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball, Travel Baseball, Travel Softball, Volleyball and Wrestling. The board relies on participation from hundreds of coaches and parents who volunteer many hours of their time to the youth of Oakdale. The Oakdale Athletic Association Board meets the second Wednesday of each Month at 8PM at the Sgt. Peppers. Anyone in our community is welcome to attend a meeting to just listen or to get involved. Contact any Board Member to get more information.
Board of Directors meet the second Wednesday of every month unless noted otherwise. OAA Members are welcome to join. Meetings are held at Sgt Peppers 8:00pm
Effective 8/1/2017 This will be the only tool to get notified that the fields are being closed. Options are to be notified by text or email. Sign up now!
We will update the field status no later than 4:00pm. Field status message will above if fields are closed.
All refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee. Refunds, as well as the amount of the refund are left to the discretion of the league director. Partial refunds are also subject to the $10.00 processing fee. Refunds may take up to 15 business days to process.