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Team picture Besaw U12G Fireballs 2018

OAA U12G Besaw Team Fireballs 2018

Roster with Player Pics

Team Roster and Email Addresses

Tournament Bracket

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Coaching Skills: Practice 20+ minutes EVERYDAY!

From OnlineSoccerTraining"The US Soccer Federation has stated that in order for a child to become a skillful player they should have at least ONE MILLION soccer ball touches before the age of 16.  To get this many touches on the ball, a young player must spend a fair amount of time in the yard or at the park with a ball at their feet .  Here is a simple drill to improve touch.  The drill is first demonstrated in a professional training session with a licensed trainer but  then shows the drill being done by a younger player in a backyard setting."  Re: DRIBBLING DRILLS video:  
⚽️ FIRST TOUCH - Gain control of ball:
⚽️ DRIBBLING BASICS - Proper Foot Placement:  http://
Tommy Besaw

Tommy Besaw

Head Coach

Phone: 651-492-6771

Angela Besaw

Angela Besaw

Team Manager

Phone: 9524517487

FIREBALLS Facebook Group
Invite family and friends to join our private Facebook Group to share events, photos, and all the fun!  Member requests are asked a few questions to verify their connection to a player, if I am not sure I will verify before accepting adds to help protect our players.


⚽️ Regular practices: Sundays at Skyview from 5-6pm. 
⚽️ Games: Thursdays and Sundays
⚽️ At home: practice EVERYDAY!  In order to be great it takes practice, practice, practice!  Look for the "Coaching Skills" videos and practice 20 mins everyday!  Coach Tommy wants all players running EVERYDAY to build endurance!  Example:  Start with a 5 minute run, 20 minutes of practicing skills, and end with another 5 minute run!